Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

Well it's that time of year again when you dust the cobwebs of the old Santa, put up the fairy lights and pull out the Christmas tree from that old box. Get the misses to hang up the beaut tinsel around the house and get ready to pay extra for your next power bill! Yes it's Christmas time again. We always pop Santa up on the roof so the kiddies don't get their hands on him and hook up the lights onto the gutter and like i said up goes the Christmas tree.

And then all you have to do is wait till chrisie day which when you have a house full of kiddies who can't wait, it can be quiet a long time mate. But before you know it, here we are CHRISTMAS.

All the kiddies just got straight into it, Harrison won the day with the biggest smile as he was having just the greatest day of his short little life. Of cause all the little ones were having a great time but Harrison had the greatest time believe me. And it's very important to remember to be real good to your kiddies, because when you get old their the ones who pick your nursing home!

Jacko taking a breather after attacking some presies. He asked me if Santa was for real and should he leave some milk and cookies out for him? I said 'na it's all crap jacko'..... no I didn't I told him 'Of cause mate and he loves beer too so what about we leave that milk stuff in the fridge and just leave a couple of these Toothys Extra and just place this bag of beer nuts here..... as we all know that raindeers just lovvvvve beer nuts and while were here we might as well put this copy of Ralph so he can have a read while having a drink, what ya reckon mate'. 'Okay dad but are you sure that Santa loves reading Ralph', I said 'Believe me Jacko if he doesn't have a read i'm sure he'll have time to look at the pictures mate'.

Here is Sarah before she went down sick for two days....... something about sheilahs and chocolate that doesn't go together, maybe its the fact that they don't stop eating the stuff. But the poor little sod was sick over Christmas and Boxing Day but she still had a beaut time and she loved all her pressies, as she still tells me every night since.

And Christmas just wouldn't be right without our little number four, and did he love this Christmas I hear you ask ? Well does Jack Newton swim in cycles ?????. Bloody oath mate. Oscar just loves the whole thing about ripping pressies apart and that's not just the wrapping paper. He had a great time and so did all the other little nevilles, we made then eat their brekky first and then sit down next to all their pressies nice and quiet ...... then it was OPEN SLATHER.... they just went mad attacking all the stuff, fairdinkum they were busier then a one-legged Riverdancer. But before you know it, it's all over for yet another year. All the choc'ies are gone, all the beers now have been drunk and all the beer nuts have gone south for the winter (flush!!!!). All that's left to do is pack up the tree, pull down the lights and box away Santa till that time of year, next year..... believe me it's a fierce cycle mate!

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