Friday, April 6, 2007

Bushfire season

Well it's bush fire season time again, and just like last year up went the bush reserve next door.

Well as you might know we have a nature reserve just down the end of our street called THE MIDLAND SPORTS COMPLEX. Which consists of a bowling club, tennis courts a football 'aerial ping-pong' ground and a very impressive Charlie Hodder baseball field.

Running behind the complex is a little creek called the Blackadder creek, which is surrounded by bushland. It's this little reserve that each year gets burnt out by a bunch of bad eggs, and when this happens out comes the water bombers. They refill their water tanks at a waterhole in the park next to the Baseball field.

It took two helicopters to get this fire out, but across the Roe highway their was another bushfire, so we had about six helicopters coming and going for a fair while.... Pretty cool to watch hay!

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